Friday, August 31, 2012

Stats Day

Friday is stats day this semester. At first, the very idea terrified me. I haven't done much maths at tertiary level, let alone advanced statistics.  Today I finally felt like I'm getting on top of it.

Or maybe it's just because I've got the caffeine monkey off my back and my mind can handle the afternoon.

Monkey at Orana Park. He looks grumpy enough to be my caffeine monkey
Today my energy was really there, why didn't I do this sooner? Oh yeah.. the pain and suffering part. I did have a few moments of grumpiness, which someone was kind enough to capture on camera.

Life without coffee is too bright..
I've probably ruined Fridays for my lecturer. About 1 p.m., when I'm sliding rapidly into stats panic, he must be tempted to switch off all devices and head for the pub. Today I got myself into a futz over whether β0 in multiple regression is the same as α in linear regression (?!?!?). Then I got super worked up about whether β0 was statistically different from zero and began my weekly bombardment of stupid newbie questions. His replies changed from email to 'emailed from my iPhone' to 'I'm in a meeting'. He's a good man, Dr. Morel, and I just know that my assignments are the highlight of his week.

As well as study, there has been a different type of cooking going on in the kitch.

This is the beginnings of a new product for a client.  I'm mixing a sample and, I've got to say, my kitchen may never smell the same.  Product development really spins my wheels. It's one of those 'I can't believe I get paid for this' moments, when I get to play around with pricey ingredients and create something that I'm confident will work.

It's like .. not work. Which is probably how the right type of work feels.

After the stats were done, and the smelly stuff was mixed, I got prepped for Foodie Friday, which is this week a curry and beer night.  I just checked the curry, and I'm not sure it's amazing. I accidentally bought 'lite' coconut milk instead of the full fat stuff and it just looks wimpy.

Still, it's nothing that can't be fixed by sour cream ;)

I hope your Friday is full of relaxation and there are amazing things to look forward to over the weekend. Study participants, you'll be hearing from me tomorrow about the exciting next phase.


  1. Yay, glad you're feeling better in the NO caffeine sense.... good on you!

    Wow, your "work" sounds great... I'm curious ;)

    Dang lite coconut milk!

  2. Anonymous10:14 pm

    Mathematics is wonderful. I majored in creative writing, but took a few maths papers to keep myself grounded in something with real answers. It was ultimately relaxing to stop wracking my brains for the perfect sentence and just think about formulae.


I love to hear from you! Tell me what's in your brain, your heart or your dinner plate :D.