Sunday, July 15, 2007

Exciting times!

I have a very good friend in Melbourne and she is always trying to entice me over there with promises of a visit to Koko Black, which is a very classy chocolate shop where the shop assistants wear silk gloves and dispense individual chocolates as if they were diamonds. Last week the man of the house (I really must think up a cute netname for him...) was in Melbourne training the blind foundation how to use some software (it talks) and he came home bearing the only thing I wanted in the world.... a 33 pack. Life... she is fabulous. I'm rationing them to one a day.. they arrived on Friday, there's 5 left. Time warp?

Sunday 22nd is the day and from now until then, my whole life revolves around preparing to leave my businesses for 5 whole weeks. I'll type that again and try not to break a nervy sweat this time... 35 days..better, just a little twitch that time. I've also been limping my way through my third nutrition assignment and finally got that finished today. Yesterday I had a very bad moment when I logged onto my online course and found the other students discussing how they thought they had done and when they might get their assignments back.. almost as if they had already sent them, you know, to get there by the 10th when they were due (!!!). I sent off a hasty email to my tutor trying to explain, in a way that I fear was completely lame-ass, that I somehow thought the assignment was due on the 18th and I'm an idiot and please don't penalise me too badly, please, please, I'm flagellating with my spiky butt ball on a string, forgive me? Very interesting assignment, however. I discovered that for a woman it is very difficult to obtain enough iron in your diet, especially if you are not eating over 2000 calories a day. It surprised me, given the amount of meat and greens that I eat, that my iron intake was still about 5mg a day lower than it should be for a pre-menopausal woman. I'd encourage all women to look into it. Low iron intake can make you lazy and lethargic when you should be peppy and bouncy and onto it.

Spare a thought all you mums (and dads) out there for my sister-in-law and brother whom are at any moment about to introduce a new soul to the world. World meet (new sproglet)! At this very moment it's all happening up there in a birthing pool in Wellington and going well so far, by all reports. New people are fun. I won't even get to see him/her until I get back and then I'll have to start the Aunty indoctrination process. "Who do you love the most? yes, that's right! Aunty Sara". It's best to start this before they can talk back. ;)

1 comment:

  1. You will take many many pics on your getaway, right? I am so excited for you and also JEALOUS. :)


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