Friday, December 07, 2007

Feeling competitive much?

Say you are in the mood for getting out there and winning something, but you are not quite in the groove for a body transformation contest over xmas. What can you do?

Here's my suggestion.

Head over Dietgirl HQ and enter her scavenger hunt contest. You don't need to sacrifice any xmas munchies AND you get to run around looking for things to photograph (which could be considered as exercise if you were inclined to think of it that way).

I am sooo hanging out for the release of her book. Seriously, why do these things take so long? Why does everyone have to 'go to release' on the 1st of January *thinks*. Ok, I get it, because that's when everyone will be squeezing their xmas flab and resolving to to start their new years diet!

The first week of TT is done and dusted. I lost 1kg and 0.2% bodyfat - a good start! Now I've just got to keep it together tonight for the employees dinner and on Sunday for a champagne breakfast. I think I need to discover my higher power or something in order to manage the second event. Champagne + early morning = self control (?).. or not....


  1. mwahaha! you got it right baby, we're waiting for that Post-Xmas Remorse when everyone is bloated and miserable and making lofty resolutions, thus hopefully in the market for inspiration!

    You know if you enter the contest you might win and your book would be on its way to you in a few days... :P

    (thanks kindly for the mention sara!)

  2. I took Shauna to task for not including a jar of Nutella in the major prize pack, and she has graciously consented to make it a late addition.

    I did it just for you....

    I have most of the required items ready to photograph. I just need to find Elvis - anyone seen him?


  3. Champagne + early morning + self control ??? hmmmm good luck on that one mate! AS for Shauna's competition... I will check it out! Maybe... cos I'm kinda busy.


I love to hear from you! Tell me what's in your brain, your heart or your dinner plate :D.