Saturday, September 20, 2008

Yummy yummy

I have one over-riding rule when it comes to food. It should taste good. I did too many years eating stuff that tasted like it should be good for you. Food should always taste sinful, even when it's not. Stuffed veal escalopes are really delicious. I'll be analysing this recipe for inclusion in the Sana recipe files once I can make a more photogenic one and get a better pic. This one looks tiny, but that's just because I am on the vege-quest and my broccoli intake is slightly overboard. It also doesn't look all that tasty, that's because all the good stuff is on the inside of the rolled up escalope. It's going to need some dissection photography and maybe a sprig of parsley.

Lay a large veal escalope on some baking foil and put the following on top of it.
* A sprinkling of basil (you could use fresh, I used dried)
* A finely chopped slice of an onion (like, slice off a bit, then chop it up - there's not a lot of room on that escalope)
*Half a mushroom, finely chopped
* A sun-dried tomato, large, finely chopped
* A smallish square of feta (I used about 15g - 2/3 of a matchbox size) cut into even smaller squares.

Roll it up and secure the baking foil around it.
Bake for 30 minutes.

You could also use the same filling in many ways. I'm thinking it would be fine stuffed inside a chicken breast. It's kind of a salty (feta), tangy (tomatoes) and sweet (onion) mix that just works. Enjoy!


  1. I hate it when I make something delicious and then it photographs all blah....

    Sounds YUM anyway.

    12 days to go.... *squeal*

  2. Hi Sara! Hey, what is an escalope?


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