Saturday, May 07, 2011


Today is all about writing 2500 words of genius about Community Psychology interventions. It's a good day for it.. rainy and quiet. I'm the only one at home, which is a very unusual occurrence. I'm fighting off a mad urge to run around naked or something.

Hoping to stumble upon some awesome and interesting piccies for today's post, I checked the compactflash card and instead found numerous pics of random things in my office:

I have taught Miss J how to use my camera and it looks like she has been practicing in private.  The focus is good at least, but the camera is really too heavy and she misses her target, resulting in all sorts of arty farty compositions. I think it's time to invest in a little digicam for her. You know that Aunty = source of over-indulgence? Yesterday I had to tell her off for basically messing up our bedroom at twice the speed I was attempting to tidy it.  She looked at me with a crestfallen expression and said: "You are not being very Aunty-ish when you say stuff like that". Uh-oh. I guess that's a C minus on my Aunty report.

Last night was, in case you missed it, Friday! The beginning of the week end is always celebrated at casa SaraProgrammer with a family dinner. At the moment, it's an even bigger, busier and noisier production than usual, involving three women cooking up a storm in my weeny kitchen. After all that activity, candles and vino are a must:

Last night I roasted up a chicken and a bunch of artichokes. I do not understand people that don't like artichokes. What's not to like? They are so delicious! And, if you are coming to my house, you will eat artichokes because I have about eleventy billion of them. My artichoke plant wants to cure world hunger.
Sistasana hates artichokes. She got regular, boring potatoes.

I am now banning myself from the blog until this essay is at least fully drafted. **dramatic siggggghh** See you on the other side..

1 comment:

  1. I'll happily eat your artichokes. I quite possibly may drink your wine too. :D


I love to hear from you! Tell me what's in your brain, your heart or your dinner plate :D.