Thursday, August 11, 2011


Good afternoon from chilly Christchurch, where I've been working on an assignment for my graduate diploma in Nutritional Science and pondering this question: What, exactly, is the point of cats if they can't even keep the fire stoked when I am out?  Truly, philosophical thoughts are really my thing.

Yesterday, while browsing the shelves at a small organic shop (the type where people let their kids loose to feast on the produce in a manner that would make the NZFSA shudder), I saw a old friend - Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap Molasses is the by-product of sucrose production. It is basically the good stuff left over after the bad stuff (sugar) is extracted. Back in the dark ages when I started studying nutrition, Blackstrap Molasses was the schizz. We kept a bucket of it in the kitchen of my student flat and used it in everything. Over the years, I just kind of.. forgot about it. 

I've decided to become reacquainted. After all, it is a mineral fest, being particularly high in manganese, magnesium, copper, iron, calcium. It also has some B6. Not sure what to do with it, I drizzled some in my smoothie mix. 

What's in this green thing?
  • A frozen banana
  • Three scoops of Sana WPC (unflavoured). Vegans could use rice protein.
  • Tsp dried barley greens - I'm trialing this as a future product for the webstore. 
  • Tsp Blackstrap Molasses
  • Pinch of sea salt with kelp
  • Water
The greens and the molasses together gave it a bit more bitterness than I usually like, but it was also sweet and my brain was a bit confused, giving me conflicting 'Mmmm, I love it, bleh, I'm not sure about this' messages. Molasses certainly doesn't have the instant sugary appeal of maple or agave syrup, which may be why it has fallen by the wayside.

I intend to explore the use of molasses in baking and smoothies. I feel that the 'dark', slightly bitter taste of it might go well with a strong chocolate flavour, and you know I'm ready to run with that idea :D.  After scoffing my green, molasses fortified smoothie, I felt strangely energised for the whole morning. I'll have to try it a few more times before I make up my mind about whether it's a winner or not. It might be like Maca - when I first tried it I was unsure about the taste, but now I really like it. Tastebuds are completely trainable.


  1. I am quite sure I have never tried black molasses. It doesn'ts sound that appetising?
    Full of goodness I'm sure, but if it's not appetising? who is going to want to eat it?

  2. It's not 'awful' though. I think the trick is to use the right amount. Remember also that your tastebuds do adapt to new flavours. You just have to man up in that initial 'WTH?' phase. :D

  3. Blackstrap molasses was a health food back in my grandparents' day. Granny really did know best...

    "Tastebuds are completely trainable" - couldn't agree with this more! I get very frustrated with people telling me "...but I don't LIKE X". I want to smack them over the head and say: Grow up, swallow it and just get used to it.


  4. Have you ever seen a child try chocolate for the first time? They usually don't even like it! But, it's being forced on them by well meaning (?) relatives. What about the first time drinking beer or wine? It's once the brain learns that it gets a buzz out of those things that it begins to taste good. Taste comes from the brains interpretation of stimuli.


I love to hear from you! Tell me what's in your brain, your heart or your dinner plate :D.