Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Travel quiz. Where's Sara?

Sugar and serviette from Cafe Florian, Venice
Somehow Blogger managed to completely swallow my weekly catch-up post! I find it a little Stephen King when technology behaves unexpectedly. Have any kindle readers read 'UR'? If so, you'll know why I always hear spooky music in my brain when inanimate entities behave as if they have a will of their own...

Back here in 3D, however, The big clean up continues! I'm pretty much finished with the squeamy stuff and have progressed to the fun boxes - travel memorabilia. Who knew I was such a hoarder?

The Programmer and I have done a fair bit of exploring the globe since we met, and before that we both travelled solo. I tend to keep things like tickets (of all sorts, including entry tickets and plane tickets), concession cards, information brochures, hotel leaflets and, apparently, any other thing that will trigger my memory of where we went and what we did... for example, the sugar sachet from Cafe Florian in Venice (pic above). This was swiped at the most expensive afternoon tea of my life, I might add (I have the receipt to prove it), but where else can you listen to a four-piece orchestra, get treated like royalty by a multi-lingual career waiter and gaze at the basilica in Piazza San Marco?  I can't think of anywhere...

All of this digging through metro stubs has been making me travel-nostalgic, so I started looking through our travel pic archives.

I tried to find a photograph of us together somewhere exotic, but there are hardly any! That's simply because.. well, our cameras are not 'point and click' and The Programmer was an early adopter of digital. Therefore it was super hard to find people to take snaps of us that could work our gear, especially back in 2003 and that goes double for countries where we don't speak the language. We have tried a few self-timer shots, but they are.. usually really embarrassing: someone has an 'is that thing on?' look on their face or has blinked or looks fat. So instead we have me at the top of the Eiffel Tower in 2003 (see, that's 'Auckland' I'm standing under):

And, us hanging with Mozart, seven years later in 2010. These days, most people have digital camera skills. The main concern is choosing someone that doesn't look like they could outrun you should they think your equipment is primo.

Me in Prague 2010

I think this one's a truly cool pic.  The ghostly people effect is something tricky that allows a realistic feel for the crowd, but without identifying anyone. I had to hold reeeeeally still, and I'm no model that can do this with a relaxed expression (sorry, Programmer).

Lastly, this is me having a proud moment - and pulling a goofy expression, last year. I think I'm chewing a sore-throat lolly and trying unsuccessfully to look like I'm not.

So, here is a question for you today. Where am I in this photograph?

The Mozart picture will give you a clue. It's in the same city.

Edit: Thank you Kek for giving it a go! Here I am standing in the stairwell to the historical offices of Dr Sigmund Freud in Vienna.


  1. I have no idea but at a guess, Vienna - Mozart was Austrian, wasn't he? Can't narrow it down more than that.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who hoards weird travel bits and pieces. And who has no "both of us on holiday" pics. I swear, NOBODY can work my camera. Seriously, it's not that hard...

  2. Yes, it's in Vienna. Is nobody else keen to have a go?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. But where in Vienna? It's the residence of a controversial and famous person related to my field of study..

  5. No bloody idea!
    I hoarded lots of stuff from our trip to Singapore years ago... finally got rid of it all just recently!


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