Monday, October 15, 2012

Friends with Hommus.. or is it Hummus?

This week, I'm on the home stretch of the assignment writing (woot! woot!), having submitted the Sports Nutrition one at 1.30 a.m on Sunday... and then checking it today and realising I'd only actually uploaded page 2. :-/ 

The last assignment is due Friday, and then it's headfirst into exams. I'm trying not to get all crazy and stressy this semester. I've been seeing other people, not just my books and research papers.

Yesterday was awesome. In the morning I got to experience that scary moment of a blogger face-to-face with Lou from Fridgescapings. She turned up looking cool and bearing delicious yummies. We drank tea and talked about the important stuff: food, family, yoga and living the dream (which would definitely involve more food, family and yoga).

You know it's going to be good times when your bloggy friend turns up bearing hummus. Especially living, green hummus (recipe on Fridgescrapings) with the correct amount of garlic (don't get me started on wimpy hummus.  Real hummus should make you completely antisocial and also repel vampires).

I mixed a couple of spoons of it into a kumara salad, which was perfection.

And then dumped other stuff on it, so it's a bit hard to see.

You'll just have to use your imagination. Under the green stuff is a pile of kumara chunks tossed with herby hummus.

Under there somewhere. 

After she left, I felt like some vegan-ness had rubbed off and had to go make a new vegan bar.

It's 'intuitive' quantities of quinoa flour, dried fruit, chia seeds, almond butter and a little maca zapped in the processor with  melted coconut oil, a bit of salt and some vanilla essence. What can I say? I'm going through a bar phase. A throw it in the processor and see what eventuates phase.

Actually, that describes 80% of my cooking.

Later in the day I headed to the beach with The Programmer and snapped a few pics. I'd better leave you with these and get back to 'The Calcium Paradox' (does calcium supplementation increase the risk of heart attack?). By Wednesday I'll either have a few more ideas about that ..... or be in a state of agitation because I don't.  The truth is out there somewhere.. hopefully.

The shipping containers are to protect the road from falling debri.
Since the quake of Feb 2011 bits of cliff and houses have been randomly
falling down. In order to make it less depressing, some containers have been
spruced up with canvas art.

Half the house on the hill, half at the bottom of it. I really hope nobody was in this house when the quake hit!
Across the hill are many gorgeous and expensive houses, all unoccupied because they are 'red zoned'. You can see that most still have people's possessions inside them, plants on the verandah, that sort of thing.


  1. Yay! So so SO lovely to hang with you - I had a blast... and am so stoked you liked the hummus. Garlic is GOOD, no? Man that salmon looks amazing - it's the ONE thing I miss being vegan... mmmmm. I will live vicariously through your delicious photos.

    Good luck with the calcium.... better you than me!

  2. Oh and I experienced my first "flush" this morning.... it was kinda fun ;)

    1. It's a funny reaction huh? I met an old hippie that told me in the 60's they used to take mega-doses of niacin for a buzz. I'd not recommend that ;-/ I used to have super bad adult acne and started taking niacin for something else (to try and get my cholesterol down). In one week the acne went away completely and never came back. I've heard the same thing can happen with B5.

    2. .. not the flush (with B5), the skin clearing effect.

  3. Such a shame about the houses... people's whole lives ruined by nature.
    You salmon salad looks amazing.
    Oh I love Hummus too... I have even made my own.

    1. I know. The houses there are so amazing too. Some must be worth millions.


I love to hear from you! Tell me what's in your brain, your heart or your dinner plate :D.