Tuesday, November 06, 2012

10 to 1

Well, that's three exams down and just the scary statistics one to go! It's time for another trip down memory lane.

Miss J has discovered these posts, and tells me to feature her more often (the self-esteem is strong with that one). :D She's a fan of 'Aunty Sara blog'.

I guess I'd better start watching my language..?

Ten years ago:

Me and Cath. She must be kneeling because she is tall and
I'm a short ass. This is in Chch, where she was livign at the time.
Now she's back in France with a new baby girl!

Nine years ago:
Monaco! We arrived at night. Monaco is gorgeous.

Eight years ago:
At Warwick Castle with Lubka and John. Lubka is about 9.1 months pregnant in this shot.
Sadly John passed away a year later from cancer.
The inside of Warwick Castle; it's pretty amazing. You can't tell but it was super, super hot (sympathy for heavily pregnant Lubka, please!). An old lady passed out from the heat and everyone had to cram into a hallway while they stretchered her down the stairs. This is Warwick, England.
Seven years ago:
Welcome to the world! She's just two months old in this pic.
Six years ago:
Ummmm... is this Melbourne? Might have been a business trip.. 
Five years ago:
Such a sweet little....
Aunty strangulation device.. 
Four years ago:
At the Dux de Lux and Arts Centre, Christchurch, NZ. Before the quakes
brought it all to a pile of rubble.
Three years ago:
Things growing.. I think the last three years around this time have been exams and I've been holed up, head in the books.
The Programmer took to nature photography.
Two years ago:
And birdies... this is a Kea, a native NZ parrot. They are very smart and known for stealing lunches and
wrecking the cars of tourists.
Last year:
Spring doing its thing down at the river. Awwww.


  1. I saw ducklings yesterday while out walking. They are so adorable.

    1. Me too! There are some really cute paradise duck(lings) around the Heathcote right now.


I love to hear from you! Tell me what's in your brain, your heart or your dinner plate :D.