Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Big Confession, Ms. Lazypants

This weekend I have so many things to do that I decided instead to just avoid all of it. That's my way, sometimes. 

Well, I haven't done nothing.  There's an experimental erythritol lemon loaf in the oven, I bullied The Programmer into buying not one, but two new couches and I took receipt of some awesome gifts from my family in Liechtenstein.

The package included a bottle of wine from the Prince's vineyards. This may be my favourite Pinot Noir in the world. Prince Alois knows what he's doing with the vino production. We busted this open while settling down for the most cringe-worthy thing I've ever seen on TV, the Lance Armstrong confessional (apparently Oprah is now the Pope or something?).

I wasn't going to wade into the debate about all of that, but I watched both parts of the Oprah special, found myself discussing the situation with my friends and discovered that, rather than being neutral, I actually do have a point of view.

My point of view is informed by 20 years in the 'health food' and 'dietary supplement' industries.   I'm trying to figure out why people seem so shocked, amazed and hurt by a celebrity, a professional sportsperson, confessing to using banned substances. What do people think goes on whenever there are huge amounts of money at stake? This goes not just for professional sport, but in business, in real estate, in marketing and in nearly every area of life.  Rising to the top by lying, cheating, embezzling, pushing boundaries and destroying anyone that disagrees with you is an accepted part of 'business as usual' as far as I've seen.  I'm not saying this is great, but it is what it is. Maybe I'm just hardened by 'time in the trenches', but I'm not shocked, I'm not surprised and I don't think any more or less of the guy than I ever did because I'm busy dealing with my own stuff.

The thing is, there is a reason why my current client base is small, and that's because I've done my best to have nothing to do with those that think it's ok to do dodgy shit. It's an honour to be currently working with the most successful and most ethical people I've ever dealt with. It can be done, but let's face it; it's harder to succeed while telling the truth, being honest and conducting business transparently and entirely above board. The world seems to be in a condition of dismay that one cyclist, that most have never met, lied about being free from performance-enhancing substances. But, actually we are all being lied to every day on a far more personal level, and nobody kicks up a fuss.

Sportspeople that promote special foods, supplements and sports clothing: did they use those to get their amazing physiques, medals and trophies? Those little breaded fish bites: are they really 'an excellent source of Omega 3'?  Bloggers and celebrities that seem to maintain a figure-competitor body but claim to 'eat anything they want'... really?  

Vegan products that are presented in environment-destroying packaging, 'naturally extracted' products that have been through 200 chemical processes, alternative  healthy foods that create massive waste, incorrect ingredient lists, 'massaged' scientific results that are carefully presented to the advantage of the product for sale, creative interpretation of lab test results or use by dates, larger companies copying and wiping out smaller companies (which have no budget for a legal defense), nutritional 'recommendations' that are heavily influenced by the food industry.... I have to say, a few years ago I considered getting far away from it all and becoming a housewife ..

.. if only I had talents in that area. :-/

So, that's my opinion. Don't be surprised, don't be gullible, question everything, grow your own food,  choose your friends/associates carefully, drink wine. :D

..and use this type of soap.

Heh, this is a present from Sistasana (of the Liechtenstein contingent). It's the best present ever because it suggests she might read my blog (busted!).

Let's talk:  Lance Armstrong. Are you devastated?  Oblivious? Too busy cleaning the floors to care?  Join me, give your opinion, I'd love to hear it.


  1. I totally agree with you Sara - totally.... very well put!

  2. Lance Armstrong: Meh, I'm completely unsurprised. The "cancer survivor beats the odds" story was a great story, but a little bit TOO great. Besides, I've seen too many "natural" bodybuilders who are obviously on the gear - and I don't think any one sport has dibs on that practice. It's a shame for the honest people trying to compete.

    As for the lying, cheating, unscrupulous success stories...pfft. At least we can sleep at night. Well, if we don't, our insomnia has nothing to do with our conscience.

    1. Or maybe it's all deep in our subconscious that it ONLY comes out at night..? Well, you never know.

  3. puh Im with you Sara why people get so shocked a nd devestated by yet another celebraty fulling from there so called grace really no one at the top becouse they are super nice and straight laced .... Ohand yes being a house wife is good for shutting out some stuff but even I know about Lance bloody Armstrong..........So over it them the super amazing people that get so much praise and money for well not saving lives or fighting for there freedom . Our world is very twisted ..Thank god there is wine and where is my package from Liechstenstien....;0)

    1. There was whiskey too, maybe you should pop over and help us 'sample' it one evening soon?

  4. Honora8:56 pm

    Yup, apparently he told the cancer doctors he was taking the various stuff years ago. Not following the thing too closely but glad another nasty bully has been outed. It's all so he can work on getting rid of the life-long ban so he can win prize money doing triathlons. Apparently the Americans have always loved redeemed villians. In the 19th Century it was reformed pirates who travelled the towns being humble and persuading the simple folk to part with money for "good deeds".

    Well done for making a stand to be ethical in your business.

    1. It's not easy. Unfortunately to have the really cool stuff I want (like 'compostable' bags), I'd need a bunch of money to put into the first order. We are getting there, but it's a sad fact that only the large companies can afford to be 100% ethical, but then they don't do it because it's really cheaper not to. Small companies that do try to operate by 'principles not profit' may go under trying to do so. It's kind of the fundamental dilemma of the food business.


I love to hear from you! Tell me what's in your brain, your heart or your dinner plate :D.