Sunday, February 24, 2013

don't . even . talk to me . right . now ...

Haha, what a weekend...

Let's call it character building, or the universe helping me make up my mind about something..

I've been thinking for a while that the more sensible way to run Sana is to embrace outsourcing. I've got good relationships with two registered packhouses that could definitely do the job.  I think it's a matter of control. I like to be there, I like to be hands on, and doing it ourselves means we don't have to plan so far ahead or hold so much stock.

As I'm away at uni next week, yesterday (Saturday) we packed a bunch of stuff. Then, this morning there was an incident which made me realise that I'm 110% ready to let production issues be someone elses problem. Decision made.

This morning I went in with only a few things to do, opened the washer, picked out the production scoop and noticed a chink out of the edge of it. It looked fresh and like it had happened via the rotating arm at the bottom, but missing bits of stuff are a big deal when you are dealing with food. I couldn't remember if the chink had been there yesterday.  Uh oh.  Where could a sharp piece of scoop be?

In the dishwasher filter... hopefully.  



Yesterday we packed Ascorbic Acid, Omega 3, Psyllium Husk Powder, Psyllium Husks and Cacao Nibs and today I repacked about a third of it again, running the powders through a fine sieve, by myself.  The things that can't go through a sieve will have to be destroyed (box above, which is  one of many currently sitting in my office - I could use some of it myself, with care).

The worst of it is that the splinter probably isn't even in the product because it could have made it through the washer filter and I'm sure someone would have noticed a damaged scoop, but we just can't take that chance. My shoulders are aching like crazy (production work is hell on the OOS), but I'm happy that there is product to send while I'm away, and feel good that now is the time to loosen the grip a bit, pay another company to do the messy work, and free up some of my time.

The things that go on behind the scenes, huh?  

Now it's time to print a bunch of study materials, pack my bag and spend some time with The Programmer before heading off for a week of being a hostel-dwelling student (it's not as wild as you might imagine).

And now let's balance up all the stress with some happy stuff

Kumara Chips from Leader foods and a new nut cheese (Walnuts, cashews, almonds). I broke up with my old favourite kumara chips (Watties) when they started using canola oil instead of beef fat. Seed oils are not my friend. These ones use  'palm olein' oil, which I need to research a bit more before spouting forth about its healthiness (or otherwise) and environmental impact.

Brunch at The Willows. That carrot salad calmed my soul.

No cats on the bench! (sighhhhh).  The new nut cheese has walnuts in addition to the usual cashews and almonds.  I soaked everything together and the cashews turned a darker colour, possibly from the walnut skins (?). The flavour has a bit more bite to it, and of course, walnuts add omega 3. My brain will appreciate that next week.

The plum tree is going crazy, fruiting like a happy thing.

Gorgeous weather..

I'm not sure what the blogging schedule will be like over the next week, but usually there's quite a bit of down time. I'm sure there will be something to rant on about ;)

Christchurch people: free health lectures

If you are in Christchurch and interested in health and nutrition, Otago Uni are holding some free lectures, click here for the timetable.


  1. Big hug! Hope your week is super-fabulous to make up for a crappy Sunday. xx

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