Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Some Pics of Late and of Much Earlier

In case you haven't psychically deduced it, I enjoy photography. I really like food photography and wish I was better at it. Upskilling in that area is definitely on the 'to do once postgrad is finished', just like so many other things (roll on August!).

The Programmer has a thing for birdies (the feathered kind, haha), and takes some wonderful pics that never get seen by anyone but me.. and now and then, the lucky readers of Fit to Blog.

:D  Here are some pics taken in the last few weeks, and a random blast from the past.


 Dinner!  Following a suggestion from Lou, I made some zucchini fritters and served them with creme fraiche and salmon. This one definitely deserves a repeat performance 
(and not only to get a better pic!).

Sauerkraut, which was 1/3 red cabbage. The whole lot turned a luminous pink!  
Happy, happy, happy food.. 

More nut cheese. The almond/cashew combination is spinning my wheels right now.

Eggs, onions and green stuff.  Standard busy day fare.


The Re:Start Mall.  Slowly Christchurch is coming back to life.  Lately there have been few aftershocks and much construction. Nearly all of the city is now open to the public (even if not actually open in terms of commerce happening) and it's beginning to look more populated and less apocalyptic.  

The Re-Start Mall is made of shipping containers. It's supposed to be temporary, but I hope it stays.  It's something a little bit different and interesting, forced by necessity to be unique, and who in Christchurch can ever see a shipping container and not think 'earthquakes'?  Nobody. Large metal boxes have become the default symbol of life in Quakytown.

And, a random selection from the archives (2003 - ten years ago!).  My old friend Il Tritone, who lives in Piazza Barberini. I've had a photograph taken with this statue on every visit to Rome (which I think is four or five times now, and I do realise how lucky I am to have lost count).

This was on my second trip. The first time (in 2001) I practically lived in the internet cafe that is/was across the road to the right of this pic because it took me two weeks to get over the shock of being a foreigner. The cafe was set up for spooked tourists: all the food  (and coffee - such a travesty!) was in vending machines so you didn't have to try speak Italian to impatient Romans. That place probably saved me from running straight back to NZ. ;)


  1. Wow, you and the programmer BOTH have the eye for photography :) SO glad you liked the idea for the fritter-meal.... mmmm I miss salmon.

  2. Love the caspian tern, at Kaikoura? Gorgeous photo. The spoonbill is cool too :-). And all the food looks yumbo. Maybe zucchini fritters will be dinner tonight!

  3. Please name the birdies for the bird nerds among your readers. :D I'm guessing (without looking them up): 1. Heron 2. Spoonbill 3. Cormorant.


I love to hear from you! Tell me what's in your brain, your heart or your dinner plate :D.