Friday, March 08, 2013

Piccy Post

Pics from Yesterday

Surprisingly, there are no foodie ones, but if I'd encountered a macaron on my walk, I would definitely have snapped it.  :D

And eaten it. I don't think I've tried every flavour yet.

This is a reinforcing device to stop the river bank collapsing if we have a quake.  I saw these before they went into the ground and they are hugely long (maybe 3-4m). That bank isn't going anywhere. Interesting shapes, don't you think?
Flowers near the Steiner School. It's a nice walk to there from my place.
Vicious bird killer.  I don't know if Razzy kills birds when I'm not watching, but I have seen him a) fall out of a tree because he was too fat for the branch, b) Sit nose to nose with a baby thrush without showing any more than the usual level of catlike sleepiness (the adult birds, however, were beside themselves with parental stress)  c) leap into the air and run away when a mouse ran at him and d) eat pumpkin from the compost heap, even though about 20 mice live in there.
More cute ginger cats here.

A birdie. You know I didn't take this pic... birdies are the domain of The Programmer, who has the patience of a rock.   I don't know what sort of bird this is or even if it's from New Zealand (he's been in Aussie frequently over the last month).
I'm sure that Kek knows though. Maybe she could consult her birdie guide and deliver us from ignorance? ;D  


  1. Honora8:01 pm

    The little birdie is a kingfisher (kotare, Halcyon Sancta). Our only native one. Maori rarely ate these because they eat lizards which represent death. Because of this their feathers weren't used in decorating clothing. You're lucky seeing one. What a treat.

    1. Thanks Honora! I didn't see it, but I probably will because Jase says he knows where it lives and it always comes out for a pic. It must know it's cute.

  2. Hehe. Looks quite a bit like a kookaburra, so my guess is a member of the kingfisher family. I'll go get my book and see if I can find him. Or her.

  3. It's a Sacred Kingfisher. Well spotted by the Programmer; give him a high-five from me!

    I've never seen one, even though they apparently frequent these parts. They're common from Adelaide through all of Vic and up the east coast to N. Qld. No idea if they exist in NZ.


    1. I've checked and it is an NZ pic. Apparently they aren't so very common, but this one lives just around the road. I should pop around there for a coffee or something...

  4. Nice pics! Luv the pink flower :-)

    1. me too. I was lying on the grass photographing it and a jogger got offended because he thought I was secretly taking pics of his legs (yeah... pale hairy legs are really my favourite subject..?).


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