Monday, June 06, 2016

My Research: Gastric Bypass

Over the last few weeks I've been super busy organising things for my masters research project.  Therefore, it seems the right time to finally blog about it,  It's quite nerve-wracking putting it out there after nearly a year of working away in private! Here we go..

The title of my research project is:

Before and After Roux-en-Y: A Grounded Theory Study of Non-Surgical Factors which may Affect Dietary Quality and Acceptance of Dietary Change after Gastric Bypass Surgery in Women.  

I sweated over it but couldn't come up with a cute-but-relevant study acronym. In the end, we went with a nickname: the RYGB study.  I wanted to call it the BABeS (Before and After Bariatric Surgery) study, but it was already taken. :( 

For those of you unfamiliar with research methodology, a Grounded Theory study is one that starts with no hypothesis but develops one or more of them as the study progresses.   I am not looking for anything but  instead paying close attention to the data from depth interviews and food records and seeing which themes emerge. These should become meaningful hypotheses about which areas need focus if we are to improve the experience and outcomes for gastric bypass patients. Or perhaps I'll find that in my group everything is groovy and  things couldn't be better.  You just never know.

The sampling method is iterative,  which means that I continue interviewing people until we reach the point of 'saturation', where no new themes emerge.  There is no set-in-stone number where this magically happens but Grounded Theory studies generally hit saturation at between 10 to 30 participants.

I'm still looking for participants,  so if you know anybody in New Zealand that is preparing for gastric bypass surgery or you are preparing for it yourself,  please have a read of the details below, or click through to the university site here.  

I hope you have a great week and god bless the Queen, and her inherited official birthday, for an extra day off work. :) 

What are the goals of this research?

The purpose of the RYGB study is to ‘get inside’ the personal experience of undergoing a Roux-en Y gastric bypass. In particular the study aims to understand the factors which affect dietary quality and acceptance of the lifestyle changes which are necessary for success. The information gathered will be used to inform best-practice guidelines and improve outcomes for patients.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for women over the age of 18 who are in the process of preparing for a Roux-en Y gastric bypass.

What will be involved in participating?

Study participation involves the following:

-        * Two semi-structured interviews: one before your surgery and one six-months out
-        *  One 3-day food record for analysis. This will be taken at the point you are eating normal food post-surgery

-       *  Optional involvement in a Facebook chat group for study participants

Interviews may be conducted either by Skype or in-person, depending on your location. The researcher is located in Christchurch.

What are the advantages of taking part in the study?

You will receive:

-         * A $50 travel voucher at study completion
-         * A summary of study results, should this interest you

Participants may also find the process of reflecting on their journey to be personally helpful.
This study is led by Masters of Science degree student Sara Lake. Sara’s supervisors are professor Jane Coad and senior lecturer Janet Weber.

To register your interest and receive a detailed information sheet, please contact:
Sara Lake

Professor Jane Coad                                                     Dr. Janet Weber
School of Food and Nutrition                                       School of Food and Nutrition
Tel: 06 951 6321                                                           Tel: 06 356 9099

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sara. I often see requests for research participants posted on the noticeboard outside the 'Great Escape' restaurant at Christchurch Hospital. This may be a helpful site for your participant requests.


I love to hear from you! Tell me what's in your brain, your heart or your dinner plate :D.