Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A dose of deliciousness

I've just put a new recipe on the Sana Direct site. These are my latest favourite snack - Three Spice Apple bars. I have to confess that I always go overboard on the spices and haven't yet mastered moderation in my spicing technique. My kitchen always smells like an Indian spice market when I get started on anything involving aromatic spices. Isn't nutmeg supposed to be some sort of narcotic in high doses? Monkeys go crazy for it, apparently....

I got an email yesterday from someone I know through the supplement industry to let me know that he just won the Gold Coast Open Bodybuilding competition. Round of applause please for the lovely Steve Jones. Click here to see his winning routine on youtube. What I really like about Steves physique is that he strives for the 'classic' shape - definition and form, rather than the 'shock and awe' tactic of mind-boggling size. It reminds me of the late (and unquestionably fabulous) Steve Reeves. Now there's a waistline! I just learned that there is actually a height to weight ratio that a male bodybuilder must achieve in order to compete in the new 'Classic Physique' category. Height in cms minus 100 + 6. So, if you are 190 cms, then your weight should be 96kg. You certainly couldn't get there if you were the 'slab of meat', rectangle in a g-string so often seen on the modern bodybuilding stage.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a HUGE fan of Steve Reeves - definitely the classic shape! "Your" Steve looks pretty damn good though...

    Where do you find these hunks? And can you export them?


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