Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Omega Scrolls

One of the first things I must do once I have completed Nutrition 204.131 is to get stuck in and finish an epic writing project that I have cynically named "The Omega Scrolls". The name came about because I was reading a fat book called The Omega Scroll when I started it and because the subject matter is Omega 3 fatty acids (get it?).

When I crank on about a supplement, either on my blog or on the Sana site (or to your face should you be lucky enough to catch me in an enthusing sort of mood), I like to know that what I'm saying has scientific merit. Usually I get on Pubmed, spend a week or two reading abstracts and getting my hands on studies that most interest me, then write up the blurb and post it on the site. Try typing 'Omega 3' into the Pubmed search box.... you will find that there are more than 10,000 peer reviewed papers to interest the serious Omega 3 enthusiast. It's quite a job to seek out the most relevant ones, read them with an open mind (and sometimes a medical dictionary to decode the medi-speak), and then condense it down to something that a website lurker might read, remembering that the average concentration span of most busy humans with Omega 3 deficient braincells is about 10 seconds. I have been working on the Omega 3 info pages for more than a year. and it's become like doing HIIT cardio. Must.. finish..just... keep.. going...

Luckily, Omega 3 is hot with health writers right now and you only need to google 'Omega 3' to find 60 gazillion fairly succinct articles, like this one, that will let you in on why the whole world should be taking their Fish Oil, especially if you are in the process of de-blubbing your jiggly bits. As promised, I've got an Omega 3 deal running for September and this one is directed at those of you that also take glucosamine for your squeaky joints.

Yesterday was a special day. My niece turned TWO years old and so we went AWOL from daycare (for her) and work (for me and my sister) and headed to C1 for a fluffy and a muffin. Then we went and got ourselves a brand new spiky... purple. I shall call him Spiky II, nay, Spiky the second.

Two years ago I was clueless. I had noooo idea of how much fun a little person can be and of course I also lacked essential basic knowledge about .... nearly everything. I did not know that life is nothing without a pink teddy and that the ultimate status symbol is any accessory featuring Dora the Explorer. I had no idea that Pooh, Eeyore, Tigger and Piglet are not only still popular but even have their own TV show. Most seriously I did not know all the words to Toot, toot, chugga, chugga Big Red Car. See? It's really quite surprising I survived so long. So, happy birthday niece and what a party! I was too busy dancing to the wiggles to get any cake, but I have a brick sized piece in the fridge just poised for my second 'cheat' meal, which will probably be tomorrow.
I love it when good things happen to other residents of Blogdom and this post bought a grin to my face and caused a bit of insane 'woohoo'ing over here at Sara central. Liz is a long-term health and fitness gurette whom last year battled Lymphatic cancer without health insurance, losing her muscles and most of her possessions in the process. She managed to hang onto her spirit though and gained many loyal readers. Now she is back at the gym, determined to get those muscles back, and today, after a battle with beaurocracy, she finally got the 'all clear'. Free of cancer. It's worth heading over there just to catch the vibe.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got a new Spiky. I was poised to run to the post office and send you mine.... honest!

    Now, if you EVER decide to produce offspring of your own, you will be a no-contest, slam-dunk EXPERT at toddler-wrangling. Wish I'd had you as an auntie. But ...uh.... that would be kind of impossible, you being younger and all. *thinks*

    OK, too much red wine. Obviously. Time for bed.

    MWAH!! Big kisses for you!


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