Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Here commences the 'lazyblog'

For the next few weeks I am on what might be called a 'focused' schedule as I try to complete the last of my earthquake-delayed university assignments and then get in sufficient exam study to not bomb my end-of-years. It's a temporary situation though, scheduled to transition from 'go go go' to 'ahhhhh' at exactly 12.15pm on November the 5th, or earlier if I speed through '175.206 Memory and Cognition'.

So until then, when I update, it will be with lazyblogs, like this one, where I send you over to Jamie Oliver for the easiest apple crumble recipe in the world.

Here's my one:

Confession: I QUADRUPLED the topping, 'cos that's the best part.

I used buckwheat flour instead of wholewheat, because that's all I had, put honey with the apples (and a bit less sugar) and added some raisins and cinnamon in with the apples. It was a hit. Yes, I know this is a health blog. The trick with eating dessert is to not be a piggy wiggy. Be decent. Eat it slowly. Have another serve for breakfast. Honestly, this is so easy, even Skwigg could make it.

1 comment:

  1. I adore crumbles. Because: fruit. So: healthy.

    I usually add raspberries or blueberries to mine. And walnuts to the topping. Yum.


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