Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Healthy = Beautiful and a Big Favour (Please??)

Pumpkin and Chicken Salad

Healthy is Beautiful: This goes not just for people, but also for eats. I've often heard that you should eat a rainbow every day, and this is sound healthy advice.  But before you get to the scoffing part, I'd fully recommend feasting your eyes on the gloriousness of what is about to feed your bod.   

Last night's pumpkin&chicken salad demanded at least a few minutes of pure visual admiration. 

It needed a bit more red...

The basics of this very basic meal are:

  • Cubed pumpkin (I par-baked half a pumpkin, which made it easy to chop up, then sprinkled with kelp salt and baked a little more).
  • Courgette 
  • Greens from the garden
  • Sauerkraut (red and white)
  • Black olives
  • Red onion sliced thinly
I sprinkled on some probiotic nut cheese.  I'm a little bit in love with it right now. This one has chives, savory, oregano and crushed garlic on the inside.

'Scuse manky hand vacuum filter at the back (more about that tomorrow).

I then enhanced the salad further with a few blobs of smoked shallot dressing from the mustard makers (what do we know about them, boys and girls? That's right! No gakworthy canola oil ;))

Only olive oil, cider vinegar, mustard, shallots, salt and spices in that dressing.  Long may they stay in business *crossing all fingers and toes*.

Lastly, because I had some grated pecorino left over from the breakfast omelette, I added that.  Thou shalt not waste expensive sheep's milk pecorino cheese.

So that was dinner. It was tasty and lovely to look at, and that's all I really need. Last time I made this salad, I added tamari roasted pumpkin seeds, which was fantastic, but yesterday I was out :-/

A Big Favour

I need to talk about spam for a minute, because it's becoming a problem and I have a favour to ask.

Although there is no spam in anything I eat (I have tried it once... that was more than enough), the level of spam in my email and in blog comments has gone from 'annoying' to 'completely ridiculous'. Yesterday I was hyper-excited to see 25 comments awaiting moderation, but 24 of them were spam that had made it through the blogger filter. Blogger had already filtered out more than 100 spam comments.

Comments such as:

Hey there! Do you use Twitter? I'd like to follow you if that would be ok. I'm definitely enjoying your blog and look forward to new 



Hi there everyone, it's my first pay a visit at this site, and post is really fruitful in favor of me, keep up posting such posts.


I dream of the large and strong love. I think, that you also dream of it. I hope, our dreams will come true and also probably we shall embody them in the validity

Come to think of it, I probably do need to embody my dreams in the validity. Maybe I should have let that one through. :-/

We have a crazy spamfilter on the sana email addresses, which filters any suspect email into 'junk' and 'possible junk'. The idea is that I'll check 'possible junk' every day, in all of the accounts (personal, info, sales and lost password). My personal one (sara.lake), which I made the mistake of linking up to this blog, gets currently over 1000 spam emails a day in the 'possible junk' folder (+ many more in the junk folder) and, lately, I've missed a few real emails. So, if you have emailed me and gotten no reply that is probably why. Please try instead my gmail, which is my name with a dot between the first and last names.

Favour: if you are a real person and are reading this post, please leave a comment (you can even just leave an anonymous comment saying 'I'm real' or something that lets me know you are not a robot). This is the only time I'll beg for comments. I'm trying to figure out how much of my blog traffic is just spambots. Obviously, if my real person readership is five people, then I should allocate my blogging time accordingly. I'd really appreciate it if you could do this, just this once.

:D Fellow bloggers: are you also having this issue? Any tips on how to make it go away?


  1. Hello Sara, I must have been the only person yesterday . Don't worry I get a ton of spam too, usually along the lines of "you likey my handbags". Yes, I am very real, uh, a little too real at times.


  2. Anonymous6:00 pm

    I read off & on! :)

    1. Off an on is always fine. People have lives, right? :D

  3. Hi Sara! Not much spam for me, but I probably don't have as many followers as you...

  4. I am NOT a robot.

    I think. How does one know for sure?

  5. Anonymous8:26 pm

    Hi Sara,

    I'm real and I love reading your blog so please don't reallocate your time to not blog!

    I'm not sure about the spam problems. I've been slack with my blogging and didn't really have a huge following to start with.

    Good luck with it though :)

    1. Love your ginger cat on the blog header. x

  6. I am not a robot. I don't get much spam - maybe 2-5 a week? I've got the Akismet plugin, and it's brilliant :)

    That salad IS beautiful.... and you reminded me I MUST make more of that cheese!

    1. I looked into Aksimet, but there is no plug in for blogger. I think I just have to live with it. At least it's not as much a problem as email spam...

  7. Hiya, I'm definitely not a robot! I like keeping up with your happenings.

    1. You too (on Facebook). Your dog is hilarious sometimes.. ;)

  8. Im the one that constantly tests your gooda english :0)

    Jo Jones

  9. Never know if my messages get through this sytem ...but I AM A REAl PERSON DAMIT...feelings and all lol ok that was over board but its me Jo thats what I do love ya work read lots.

    1. woohoo! When ya gonna come visit me, huh? We live in the same city and all.

  10. Hello luv, I promise you I'm the real Kek and not some Kek-bot. :o) (would a bot do smilies?)

    I get very little spam on my blog. Probably because nobody reads it any more. Boo-hoo, poor me. I do see the odd spam comment in my moderation queue, but Blogger seems to catch most of them.

  11. Hello -- I'm not a robot but I am a yoga machine HA HA.
    Want to know what's depressing -- this is what it says on my WP blog: Akismet has protected your site from 13,379 spam comments already.
    That's four times more than actual comments. Akismet is brilliant though, hardly anything gets through.

  12. The colours in that salad! Want to dive through the screen and eat it!

  13. I rarely comment, but I am a regular reader (and a real person!)

  14. Hmm must try that nut cheese one day! Keep up the blogging Sara, you do inspire me to eat more healthfully (although that does not necessarily always translate into action!). Today I am going to make some yum bars and try out that maca powder you gave me xx

  15. I don't know if I've commented before, but come by to read a few times a week. Hi!

  16. A regular reader but never commented .. yep I'm real! And I hear you with the spam comments .. dozens by the day! Can't offer you any exciting suggestions for elimination .. if only I knew!

  17. Honora10:11 pm

    Hi Sara

    Just posted a link to your coconut vegan cake on TANZI (Thyroid Association NZ Inc.) for someone who wanted a wheat, dairy, soy and nut-free cake recipe. Sorry about your awful spam and hope that Askimet or whaddeva can sort it out.

    1. Oh, thanks for that! I also got a bunch of hits from the Mercola site that appeared to come from one of your comments. I really appreciate it, and it inspires me to come up with more recipes that suit people with allergies.

  18. Replies
    1. I had a look at your blogs (but you should keep blogging, huh?). I envy anyone that can work a damn sewing machine. I watch Project Runway, and feel like a rockstar designer, but.. nope.

  19. Hey Sara! I really enjoy your blog and have a look at it, - say at least once a week to catch up on your posts, sometimes more :-) You always blog about interesting topics with a great perspective and I always enjoy your photos!


I love to hear from you! Tell me what's in your brain, your heart or your dinner plate :D.