Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Purpose of My Life..

is to be sassed by cats.

"Get off the table Razzy, get.. OFF, the table, off - the - table! NO CATS ON THE TABLE"

Razzy: "what's that? This better be important, I was washing my butt"

Me: "Miranda, must you sit in my in-tray? I need that stuff that's under you, move!"

Miranda: "Today the couch does not please me, you'll just have to do something else. Here's an idea: just spend the next hour admiring me. Problem solved and you get to keep your hand."


  1. That Razzy looks mean :) How's his fitness program going?

    1. He's a bit too lazy to be mean, apart from to Timmy (neighbours cat). He's hovering between 400 and 500g lost, but, I gotta say, it's harder to make a cat exercise than a dog.... I try playing with him, but he just flops around like a big, floppy sausage.

    2. Maybe I'll just courier him to you. Quarantine might be just what he needs, and then you can invent a good way to exercise a cat slug.

  2. Honora8:11 pm

    At least he's not so fat he can't clean his butt. You could get a dog to chase him around all day. I had a cat and dog pair like that (they were mates playing a silly game). I discouraged my adopted cat from scratching the furniture by squirting her with a syringe full of water. I don't think she was smart enough to work out I was the agent but she was smart enough to confine her scratching to the scratching post after that.

    1. Haha...actually, I didn't want to embarrass Razzy but sometimes, when he is trying to clean his butt, or his lower back, he loses balance and rolls over like a ball, legs in the air. I should get it on video, it's pretty funny. ;)


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