Thursday, May 12, 2016


Ugh, what a week! I had some sort of weird cold/flu/headache thing for most of last week, then my washing machine broke.. ya know?

I thought I'd do a post today to show you some of the food photography I've done over the last few months. I'm slowly gaining some skills, but it's a slow and frustrating process. If you've been following me on instagram you will have seen most of these already, in between the pics of Razzy being cute.

In some of them you'll spot some lazy editing, but this is a good record of where I'm at right now. I'll do an update in a few months and see if there's been any improvement.

I have issues with getting photographs of dinner items because there is no natural light. I'm working on that though. There are ways and means, I just have to.. well, get around to organising the means to purchase the way.

Any other budding photographers out there that want to share their moments? I'd love to see your work. Link it up in the comments or on Facebook.


1 comment:

I love to hear from you! Tell me what's in your brain, your heart or your dinner plate :D.